Hey there Aviation Enthusiasts!

Considering a career in Aviation? Confused which one to aim for?

Well, below I have outlined pros and cons of each sector to ease confusion.

Private Aviation

The Jet Business

  • All expenses paid on time

Whenever you take a trip, crew expenses including hotel accommodations, transport, meals and sometimes when there is need to relocate, all of these expenses are covered on time.

  • You get to enjoy the destinations you fly to(mostly)

Commercial Pilots have to leave the aircraft once they reach their destinations and prepare for the next one whereas here it’s a different case! You get to stay with the aircraft so if the guests are staying at some fancy location so will you.!

  • You get to Control your own schedule unlike commercial pilots where airline gives a schedule which they have to follow strictly.

  • Experiencing different cultures and meeting new people

  • I know I know even Commercial Pilots have this advantage but here you get into more detail personally, since the crew is not hundreds.
  • Industry is Very competitive

  • There are many companies providing different offers to attract people and Pilot(Flight hours, Certification) criteria is bit high too.

  • Income will depend on if you ae on contract or a full-time.

  • Contract Pilots get lower income than the Full-Time Pilots.

Commercial Aviation


-Schedule is based on airline and they have to follow it strictly.

– Commercial pilots gets to enjoy destinations as well but it is a rare opportunity since it highly depends on destination given by the airline.

-Income is consistent but your experience and level will play a big role.

-Trainings are paid.

You have to train to get certain certifications and if airlines is not sponsoring training then you will have to spend a lot!

-Industry is highly competitive globally always.


In both cases you will have to work hard in order to secure a position in the industry. So, if you are not willing to work hard (very hard) save yourself the money, the time and consider going for another career.

If you are willing to go for it then you are going to have some serious FUN!

 Being a pilot is definitely an amazing experience and makes you stand out from others but pilots who have a successful career are the one who are an aviation enthusiasts and work very hard for it.

So, in my opinion if you want a little less stress in your career, enjoy destinations and are not a fan of hectic schedule then go for PRIVATE Aviation!

Morphing Wing Series (History)

Types of Morphing wings

Morphing wing technology is a vast subject in aviation industry. Since it is such an extraordinary technology there are many varieties in morphing wing too. Morphing wing is divided into these categories as shown in table below :


Morphing wing has been in aviation industry since the Wright Brothers era. During that Time wright Brothers decided to use twist which is out of plane type of morphing wing, they used it to roll the aircraft and it worked. As Years pass by many Aeronautical engineers started getting interested in morphing wing concept and started to experiment, the problem they were facing was with the material which can be used efficiently and at low cost. In 1951 the aircraft X-5 was flown with variable sweep wing which could change its shape depending on speed and it was quite efficient and later on aircrafts such f14 and f111 were also using same design geometry and this time the material was using Titanium which was very strong and light material, it is being used still in Aviation industry. Designers faced the problem of weight which still continues to be the problem for morphing wing aircraft but they didn’t let this issue to stop them so many designers designed morphing wing technology and applied into smaller scale in aircraft which included chord changing, leading and trailing edge changing, flaps changing one of the examples were F16 and F18 which uses leading edge changing morphing technology which is quite Beneficial. Latest and very successful example of morphing wing technology is Morphing Flap system which was made by Flexsys company for the Gulf Learjet. Designers are continuing to find appropriate design of morphing wing which will be efficient in fuel, would be having less weight and also at the same time less cost price.

Starting of Morphing wing

Wright Brothers Wright flyer twist morphing

Morphing wings has been part of Aviation since the time of Wright Brothers as mentioned earlier. Morphing wing has been researched deeply in order to enhance aircrafts ability to perform aerodynamically as required and to increase lift to drag ratio at all flight conditions by changing its shape. Wright Brothers Wright flyer is famous for its morphing twist but the beginning of morphing wing was actually even before Wright Brothers Time. In 1873 Clement Ader had done few experiments regarding morphing wing technology and had produced his design in the year 1890 as shown in figure below. He was the one to propose ideas for aviation for future. He divided the types of aircraft at that time into 3 types which were:

  • Scouts
  • Bombers
  • Airplanes

 Scouts were the one in which morphing design was implemented later on 1903. The main purpose for scouts were fast speed, carry heavy loads, fly long distances, For these purposes their wings were designed as that of Bats. These objectives were achieved by adjusting the wing of aircraft which means morphing.

Clement Ader Model of Scout Aircraft

Ader describes his Airplanes of the Line as follows:

 “The wings will be extendable in flight and their surface will be increased or decreased at will. These airplanes will be characterized by their agility but will also be of solid construction. To strengthen their framework, both in bat and bird-type construction I propose to make some of them of metal, following experiments and plans already made. Because these airplanes will be stored in great numbers, their wings will fold up completely with great ease…”

Morphing wings can be used in various components of aircraft to improve flexibility, aerodynamics, reduce weight and also improve fuel efficiency.

Adaptive Wing

Morphing wing can be implemented into adaptive wings, which is essential for increase in lift and decreases stall speed during take-off and landing. Devices are installed in leading and trailing edges in order to perform morphing and change aerodynamics according to the given scenario.


Resource: (My UG Research Thesis)

Morphing Wing – SERIES

Image result for morphing wing

In this series we will discuss about morphing wing technology in aviation and what does future have for this immersive technology!… I did research thesis on Morphing wing during my Bachelors in Aerospace engineering and i have always been fascinated by this technology..

So Let’s Begin..!


Aviation industry has been looking deeply into the ways of achieving better performance aerodynamically and Maximizing lift to drag ratio in all flight conditions. Currently and mostly fixed wings are being used widely everywhere but the results are not as the researchers and designers would consider. So to overcome this researchers went back to when Wright Flyer was using twist morphing, from here they got an idea of utilizing and improving morphing wing technology. Since the fixed wing can not be used sufficiently and efficiently in all flight conditions, the morphing wing is the best way to achieve high performance aerodynamically and also it increases lift to drag ratio in all flight condition’s by changing its shape depending on the situations. This review highlights past present and future work of researchers who have done research on morphing wings and how to improve it in future. Morphing wings are sub-categorized into 3 main sections In-plane Morphing, Out of Plane Morphing and Airfoil Morphing. Each of the section has its own individual way of morphing the wing in order to achieve better performance. The main idea of morphing wing was grasped from the birds, who uses there wings efficiently without using much energy. Morphing follows there examples and minimize usage of thousands of mechanical component gradually decreasing weight and improving performance. Many Effective applications on basis of morphing wing has been done they are discussed later in this review.
One of the Main Applications of Morphing in aviation can be seen below:

Variable Sweep Wing

Image result for variable sweep wing aircraft

Retractable Landing Gear


Flaps and Slats

Image result for flaps and slats

Variable Incidence Nose

Related image

This was merely an introduction to the series so if you are interested please let me know in comments and…Stay Tuned for more to come…!

Brief Introduction

Hello Everyone,

During my childhood days, whenever I used to see an aircraft passing by it made me excited and I used to wonder by what magic these machines fly against gravity. I used to go for airshows every year here at Al Ain airport and was always fascinated by what I saw. Though the noise made by the aircrafts while taking off and landing was deafening to others present there, it was merely a melody to my ears. I was amazed about how a giant machine could soar so swiftly in the air. This was the spark that lighted up the fire inside me. Frankly, I always wanted to be a pilot. And not just any pilot, I wanted to be a Research Test Pilot. As a kid, I used to experiment with my toys to see what makes them move. As I grew up I started researching online about aviation, aircrafts, machines, simulators etc. and got my hands on Virtual Simulation Program which I have been using for years and it really helped me understand various aspects of flight.
Moreover, growing up I got to know about rockets, satellites, space craft’s etc., I was very fascinated by how these machines work and was eager to learn about them and design my own aircrafts in the future. Thus, I decided to pursue my studies in the field of Aerospace/Aeronautics. All men share one dream deeply; having made one machine which they can credit to themselves. Fortunately, I have had the pleasure and honor of creating two projects. In my second year, I was Assistant leader of team where we designed and build Magnus Effect Aircraft, which was based on principle of Magnus effect. However, the aircraft couldn’t lift off due to excessive weight. In my third year, I wanted to further my passion of aircrafts, so I became the assistant leader for an Aero Mobil Project which was about a car transforming into an aircraft, again I was responsible for the idea of the project.
During my time with Emirates Aviation University, I completed my B.Eng. in Aerospace Engineering. Fortunately, we had a library which had numerous resources on the subject of Aviation. So, whenever I went there, I stayed there for hours going through aircraft manuals, magazines, biography of aviators like Wright Brothers etc. which really helped me understand the aviation world better. Having learnt the basics strongly, I decided to test myself, to know how much I really understood the subject. Thus, for my Final Project, I chose to do research-based thesis on “Morphing Wing”, I had this topic in my mind since I joined this university and always wished to do a research project about it. So, I did it, and was impressed by how some mechanisms have been used to change shape of aircraft wings. Through this project I also discovered how NASA and other Aerospace Companies are planning to use such
technology in the future to employ shape-changing aircrafts which will be a great advancement in the field of aviation.
I have completed my Aircraft Maintenance Line Training on Cessna 172S Skyhawk and Piper PA20 from Emirates Aviation Services, Dubai International Airport, Dubai, where I gained vast knowledge in engineering disciplines and systems including structural design, aerodynamics, stress analysis, fluid power systems, fuel systems and instruments used for testing. Furthermore, I also prepared detailed test plans, reports and documentation in compliance with FAA regulations. These experiences fuelled my passion in Aerospace and Mechanisms even further. I don’t believe that learning should be limited to classroom teaching. From my experience that I have gained, I believe that research is necessary to acquire data and formulate theories, but it is just as important to know how to apply those theories and use that data in the real world.

I am Ali, just like many young adults i have big dreams to pursue and i thought it will be fun to carry out you guys with me on this journey. So, this was just a brief intro about what i have accomplished during my teen years and what i wanted to become..

Stay Tuned…