Brief Introduction

Hello Everyone,

During my childhood days, whenever I used to see an aircraft passing by it made me excited and I used to wonder by what magic these machines fly against gravity. I used to go for airshows every year here at Al Ain airport and was always fascinated by what I saw. Though the noise made by the aircrafts while taking off and landing was deafening to others present there, it was merely a melody to my ears. I was amazed about how a giant machine could soar so swiftly in the air. This was the spark that lighted up the fire inside me. Frankly, I always wanted to be a pilot. And not just any pilot, I wanted to be a Research Test Pilot. As a kid, I used to experiment with my toys to see what makes them move. As I grew up I started researching online about aviation, aircrafts, machines, simulators etc. and got my hands on Virtual Simulation Program which I have been using for years and it really helped me understand various aspects of flight.
Moreover, growing up I got to know about rockets, satellites, space craft’s etc., I was very fascinated by how these machines work and was eager to learn about them and design my own aircrafts in the future. Thus, I decided to pursue my studies in the field of Aerospace/Aeronautics. All men share one dream deeply; having made one machine which they can credit to themselves. Fortunately, I have had the pleasure and honor of creating two projects. In my second year, I was Assistant leader of team where we designed and build Magnus Effect Aircraft, which was based on principle of Magnus effect. However, the aircraft couldn’t lift off due to excessive weight. In my third year, I wanted to further my passion of aircrafts, so I became the assistant leader for an Aero Mobil Project which was about a car transforming into an aircraft, again I was responsible for the idea of the project.
During my time with Emirates Aviation University, I completed my B.Eng. in Aerospace Engineering. Fortunately, we had a library which had numerous resources on the subject of Aviation. So, whenever I went there, I stayed there for hours going through aircraft manuals, magazines, biography of aviators like Wright Brothers etc. which really helped me understand the aviation world better. Having learnt the basics strongly, I decided to test myself, to know how much I really understood the subject. Thus, for my Final Project, I chose to do research-based thesis on “Morphing Wing”, I had this topic in my mind since I joined this university and always wished to do a research project about it. So, I did it, and was impressed by how some mechanisms have been used to change shape of aircraft wings. Through this project I also discovered how NASA and other Aerospace Companies are planning to use such
technology in the future to employ shape-changing aircrafts which will be a great advancement in the field of aviation.
I have completed my Aircraft Maintenance Line Training on Cessna 172S Skyhawk and Piper PA20 from Emirates Aviation Services, Dubai International Airport, Dubai, where I gained vast knowledge in engineering disciplines and systems including structural design, aerodynamics, stress analysis, fluid power systems, fuel systems and instruments used for testing. Furthermore, I also prepared detailed test plans, reports and documentation in compliance with FAA regulations. These experiences fuelled my passion in Aerospace and Mechanisms even further. I don’t believe that learning should be limited to classroom teaching. From my experience that I have gained, I believe that research is necessary to acquire data and formulate theories, but it is just as important to know how to apply those theories and use that data in the real world.

I am Ali, just like many young adults i have big dreams to pursue and i thought it will be fun to carry out you guys with me on this journey. So, this was just a brief intro about what i have accomplished during my teen years and what i wanted to become..

Stay Tuned…

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